ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) has recently granted dental colleges an additional 10-days, i.e., from February 1 to 10, 2022, to complete their admission process upon their concerns over low admission rates.
This 10-day timespan has been given only to dental colleges who wish to complete their admissions while also viewing students who may have applied to other colleges but are now interested in obtaining entrance to a different dental institute. The admissions to medical colleges closed on January 31, 2022.
Little earlier, representatives from medical and dental colleges, especially from Punjab, met with the PMC president and the vice president to discuss the low admission rate to dental colleges. These meetings were also followed by written requests to higher officials to look into the matter.
Also read: PAMI urges President, PM to hold dental colleges destruction
PMC also noted that the deadlines for closure of all national admissions being February 10, 2022, should be strictly enforced with no exemptions.