Chakwal Health District offers free OPG workshop

Chakwal Health District offers free OPG workshop
Chakwal Health District offers free OPG workshop
Chakwal Health District offers free OPG workshop
Chakwal Health District offers free OPG workshop

CHAKWAL: CEO Health District Chakwal recently organised a free workshop on Orthopantomagram (OPG) in collaboration with the International College of Dentists (ICD), Islamabad Diagnostic Centre, Pakistan Dental Association (PDA) Chakwal and Distinguish Innovation Collaboration & Entrepreneurship (DICE) foundation.

The dental community from Islamabad, Chakwal and Lahore attended the workshop.

Prof. Dr Arshad Malik, Dean, HBS Dental College, Islamabad, facilitate the full-day workshop. He covered every aspect of OPG, from normal anatomy to pathological lesions. 

In the end, District Health Authorities distributed the certificates and shields of honour.