WHO advises high-risk groups to postpone travel due to Omicron variant

WHO advises high-risk groups to postpone travel due to Omicron variant
Source: Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash

GENEVA: The World Health Organization recently advised people who have been at high risk of contracting COVID-19, including the unvaccinated and those over 60, to postpone travel to areas under threat of newly identified Omicron variant.

WHO advised that persons who were unwell, not been fully vaccinated, did not have proof of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and were at increased risk of developing severe disease and dying, including people aged 60 or above or those with comorbidities should postpone travel to areas with community transmission.

 The organization also recommended that countries use a "multi-layered risk mitigation approach" to reduce spread, including passenger screening, COVID-19 testing, and quarantines. 

According to WHO, blanket travel bans would not prevent international spread. Instead, they place a heavy burden on lives and livelihoods, adding that they could "disincentivize" countries to report variant cases when they appear.