1st and 2nd Implantology sessions‏ by Dr Noorul Wahab

KARACHI- After the success of first Implantology course by renowned Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Noor ul Wahab,  HoD, Oral & Maxillofacial department at Ziauddin University, the 2nd Implantology course was offered for those who seek to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Since two successful sessions consisting of lectures and hands-on workshop have already been conducted. The first session was held on 30th and 31st May 2015. It was dedicated to introduction of the field of Implantology. There were lectures by Dr. Noor ul Wahab on diagnosis and treatment planning, patient counselling, anatomical considerations in implant placement along with single & multiple implant surgeries. This was followed by a lunch break after which the participants gathered again for hands on session. The hands on session comprised of Diagnostic setups and Surgical Stent construction, ridge mapping and selection of implant.

The second session was held on 13th and 14th June. The main focus of the session was Implant placement in extraction socket and socket preservation technique. The lectures were on Single and multi rooted extraction sockets, advanced surgical techniques and use of osteotomes for ridge expansion and ridge split techniques. The hands on session after the lunch break focused on Implant placement after ridge expansion in a model of mandible and ridge split techniques on models. 

The third session is expected to be held after Eid, on 25 and 26th July.-PR