HYDERABAD - The new Principal of LUMHS’ Institute of Dentistry, Dr Feroze Ali Kalhoro has spoken of his ambition for the Institute and his commitment to leading its students to successes. "I am passionate about educating our students with the skills and attributes necessary for preparing them for the upcoming challenges.," said the principal. “My ambition for the Institute of Dentistry is that it become one of the best academies in the country. I know we can make this academy greatly successful because it’s ready to take off – it’s ready to go to the next level and the students and community deserve that. “I believe the success of the academia lies in the strong interactions between the teachers and students, with everybody sharing the same high aspirations for behaviour and achievement and no excuse coming in the way. Students deserve a world-class education from us. Fundamentally, it’s about what goes on in the classroom and making sure teaching and learning is outstanding.” Dr Feroze announced an International Symposium to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the LUMHS’ Institute of Dentistry. There must be world class alumni of the Institute of Dentistry who have attended the classes and great workshops where students have been groomed to learn and refine their skills for advanced techniques.