Mattel honours Frontline Women With Look-a-Like Barbie Dolls

Mattel honours Frontline Women With Look-a-Like Barbie Dolls

EL SEGUNDO, California - Mattel Inc, a toy company, recently honoured six frontline women in the coronavirus pandemic with look-a-like Barbie dolls.

Among the dolls is a 59-year-old Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine co-developer, Prof. Sarah Gilbert. She has been designing and testing vaccines for over ten years. Apart from this, the Oxford University professor has many science privileges to her account.

Other role models acknowledged with dolls were Jaqueline Goes de Jesus, a Brazilian Biomedical researcher who led the sequencing of the first genome of the COVID-19 variant, and Amy O'Sullivan, an emergency room nurse, who managed the first coronavirus patient at a hospital in Brooklyn, New York.

Audrey Sue Cruz, an American frontline worker from Las Vegas, fought racial discrimination alongside other healthcare workers during the pandemic, was another woman honoured with a doll.

Chika Stacy Oriuwa, a Canadian Psychiatry resident who stands against systemic racism in healthcare; and Kirby White, a General Practitioner from Australia who developed a reusable personal Protective Equipment (PPE) gown, were the other two who were the same Mattel honoured with Barbie doll.

Mattel also announced donating $5 with every doll sold at Target to First Responders Children's Foundation (FRCF).