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CME Department Baqai University Hospital, Nazimabad, has arranged CME program on 1st Saturday of every month for doctors of the hospital, and surrounding area family physicians. Each program is for one and a half hour CME credit hours from the CME Department of Baqai University. On 4th, March, 2017, this was 2nd program of this series. This program was on “Management of Pulmonary Tuberculosis”, speaker of the program was Dr. Zafaryab Hussain, Incharge CME programs, and H.O.D. Pulmonology Department, Baqai University. He presented a lecture on management of Pulmonary Tuberculosis as per WHO guideline and Pakistan Chest Society and NTP guidelines. He stressed on diagnosis of Pulmonary Tb by sputum smear examination, and confirmation of it by Gene expert test for Mtb. This will help in excluding MOTT and in excluding the MDR Tb. All new cases of Tb should get 4 Drugs Rifampicin, Ethambutol, INH, and Pyrazinamide, for 2 months and then 2 drugs Rifampicin and INH for 4 months, but in some cases if resistance to INH is suspected, Ethambutol should be added in continuation phase.
For Relapse or Retreatment cases 2month 5 drugs including Inj Streptomycin with 4 primary drugs (4 FDC) is given then 4 primary drugs are given for 1 more month. This followed by Rifampicin, INH and Ethambutol (3 FDC) for next 5 months. The patient suffering from MDR Tb should be refer to higher centre for further Management as its treatment is lengthy and very expensive too, and the required drugs are not available in Market. The program was attended by family physicians and the doctors of Baqai Hospital, Nazimabad. First program of series was on “Management of Lipid” by Professor Karim Kammerudin, H.O.D. Medicine, Baqai Hospital, Nazimabad Karachi.
Next program of series on 1st, April, 2017, topic is “Management of Stress” by Dr. Azra Shaheen, Assistant Professor, Baqai Medical University Psychiatry, Baqai University, she defined Stress is the reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them. It arises when they worry that they can’t cope. Stress is the feeling of not being able to cope with problems or potential problems in life. Stressors are things which collectively make stressful situations. Stressors are things that happen to you, and which reinforce your feelings of being unable to cope. Like getting divorced, recent illness, moving house, bereavement, changing job, marriage, promotion, birth of a child.
The Physical Symptoms of stress are Aches and pains, Diarrhea or constipation, Nausea, dizziness, Chest pain, rapid heartbeat, Loss of libido and Frequent colds. There are some Behavioral Symptoms Eating more or less, Sleeping too much or too little, Isolating yourself from others, Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities and Using cigarettes, or drugs to relax.
In concluding remarks Prof. Inam Rasool Director Baqai Institute of Psychiatry, Karachi, said in most cases stress is managed by changing life style, relaxing, and changing priority of things. In very few cases sedation is required with medications.
In the end Dr. Zafaryab Hussain, Incharge CME Program Baqai University Hospital, Nazimabad, issued thanks to the speakers and participants.