JPMC team conducts first robotic surgery

JPMC team conducts first robotic surgery
JPMC team conducts first robotic surgery
JPMC team conducts first robotic surgery
JPMC team conducts first robotic surgery

KARACHI: In a groundbreaking development, a Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC) team conducted the institute’s inaugural robotic surgery.

According to the JPMC spokesperson, a 34-year-old patient underwent a surgical procedure to address gallstones within the gallbladder, utilizing state-of-the-art robotic surgical techniques.

A team of skilled doctors, led by JPMC Executive Director Prof Dr Shahid Rasul, along with Dr Saddam and Dr Munsab, executed this pioneering operation, which was successfully completed within a mere 25 minutes.

Robotic surgery represents the cutting-edge frontier of surgical procedures, allowing for precise interventions in a wide range of surgical domains. It also offers a relatively comfortable and less painful experience, particularly for lower abdominal operations.