To treat pesky white spots or discoloration of teeth, the ICON spot treatment is a groundbreaking dental innovation that can transform your smile without any invasive procedures and use of drilling and anesthesia.
ICON spot treatment technique employs a unique resin infiltration method that penetrates the tooth's enamel to enhance its appearance. When the resin infiltrates the tooth's structure, it forms bonds with calcium and phosphate ions, thereby creating a more natural-looking tooth surface.
This results in a remarkable improvement in the appearance of teeth without having to sacrifice any tooth surface through drilling.
Another remarkable feature of this procedure is its speed and lack of discomfort, as it takes just a single visit to the dentist to complete, sparing you multiple appointments.
The procedure also requires no anesthesia, meaning no needles or numbing sensations.
For being non-invasive, ICON spot treatment becomes an ideal choice for the patients preferring a gentler dental experience, avoiding the anxiety associated with dental procedures.
The results of this treatment are not only immediate but also long-lasting. The treated teeth will appear more natural and aesthetically pleasing, boosting your confidence every time you flash that smile.
Moreover, the procedure helps prevent further tooth decay by sealing up the small cracks and crevices on the tooth's surface.