Issues of FCPS-1 Dental Candidates

After passing the FCPS-1 exam, dental graduates are facing many issues in getting training in a reputable hospital. Some of the most common issues are listed below:

  • There are fewer slots for FCPS part 2 training in the public and the private sector.
  • Induction is conducted twice a year, whereas CPSP is conducting the FCPS-1 exam four times a year.
  • Central induction policy added the marks for government job experience in the merit of induction, but government job vacancies are less.
  • FCPS part 1 exam is eligible for only 3 years.
  • Reference system in private institutes should be banned.

There should be some rule of 'Induction for all' so that all the dental surgeons who cleared this exam according to the criteria of CPSP will get training before the expiry of their FCPS part 1 exam. First of all, a candidate has to pass this toughest exam to be eligible for FCPS training by all means. And when he/she pass this exam, then again he/she has to suffer to fulfill the criteria of Central Induction Policy (CIP) to get induction in the public sector.

Well, dental surgeons have no issue with these criteria, too, if there are many government dental jobs. The FCPS part 1 candidates can increase their CIP score, as CIP included 20 marks for government job experience in the criteria for merit.

There should be an increase in the number of post-graduation training institutes recognized by CPSP so that the number of slots will be increased too for FCPS PART 2 trainees. The number of FCPS part 1 exams in a year should be reduced. Due to this, most of the candidates who already passed the exam will get the training before the next attempt.

The institutes and the higher faculty that are eligible to get trainees for FCPS part 2 should induct the trainees twice a year according to CPSP rules. More and more passed candidates can do their training and polish their expertise as much as possible under the supervision of senior doctors.

-by FCPS Candidate, Karachi

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The author is Editor at Dental News Pakistan and can be reached at