CPSP responds to allegations

Press Release

SECRETARY, CPSP: Apropos your piece in these columns, this is to mention that the fellowship of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan (CPSP) is a world-recognised degree of international standards. It is a well-known fact our degrees consist of highly-structured training with stringent monitoring to maintain high standards. There is no need for us to advertise, promote or highlight our Fellowship nor do we ever denigrate or play down other degrees like MD or MS. These are given by Universities, have their own training programme, and have nothing to do with the CPSP.

It is also ludicrous to state that foreign medical councils are so gullible as to reject the MD/MS simply because of some imagined negative campaign by the CPSP. These councils are very well informed regarding the standards of medical qualifications in Pakistan. If institutions wish to be recognised internationally, the only way is for them to improve their own standards rather than blame the CPSP. It is not for nothing that over 80% of specialists in Pakistan are proud recipients of our degrees.

Prof Irshad Waheed