UK surgeons seek govt role in tackling record high NHS waiting lists 

UK surgeons seek govt role in tackling record high NHS waiting lists 

UK: Warning of an alarming rise in surgical waiting lists and cancelled operations, leaving millions of patients in pain and uncertainty, UK surgeons are calling for urgent government intervention to clear patients backlog.

As per the latest data, the waiting list for planned hospital treatments in England has reached an unprecedented 7,622,949 patients. In June 2024 alone, 302,693 patients were left waiting over a year for treatment, resulting in the significant backlog.

New statistics also indicate that 58,024 patients were waiting for more than 65 weeks for treatment in June 2024, despite earlier government commitments to eliminate such lengthy waits by September 2024.

Similarly, cancelled operations have also become a growing concern. Between April and June 2024, 19,583 operations were cancelled at the last minute for non-clinical reasons. Of those, 4,606 patients did not have their surgeries rescheduled within the required 28 days.

Prof Peter Friend, Vice President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, pointing out the seriousness of the situation, said: "The current state of waiting lists and the latest data on cancelled operations cannot be ignored. Each delay means another day of living with risk and often pain for patients. Every surgical cancellation is a significant disappointment for those who have prepared for their operation.”

He warned that such delays could lead to deteriorating conditions for patients, resulting in increased risk, complexity, and higher costs for the NHS.

Prof Friend also pointed to the temporary pause on the New Hospital Program as a potential opportunity for reassessment.

Urging the government to act swiftly in its review, he called for immediate capital investment to address maintenance backlogs and expand surgical capacity, including the creation of more surgical hubs. Such investment is crucial to prevent hundreds of thousands of patients from continuing to suffer unnecessarily on waiting lists, he added.

The Royal College of Surgeons of England remains committed to advocating for strategic solutions to these critical issues, ensuring timely and effective care for all patients.