KARACHI: Ameen Medical & Dental Center (AMDC) celebrated World Oral Health day in March by organising a free dental check-up camp and awareness talk at the College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP) in collaboration with Martin Dow Limited, Roomi Enterprises, Platinum, GSK Pharmaceuticals, Dental News, Shield Corporation Limited and Dental Health.
Dr Nabeel Baig, Medical Director, AMDC, supervised the event, and Dr Bisma Anwar, Administrator AMDC, led it. Prof. Irshad Waheed, Secretary, CPSP, graced the occasion with his presence.
The event aimed to raise awareness regarding good oral hygiene and ways to improve oral health.
Dr Mehak Ayesha and Dr Bisma Anwar, AMDC, delivered the awareness lectures. The lectures focused on the appropriate brushing technique, ideal frequency of tooth brushing, selection of toothpaste and toothbrush, and information about dental floss and tongue cleaning.
A team of 10 dentists carried out a comprehensive dental check-up of CPSP employees. More than 120 participants were given free consultation and were also guided about the common mistakes to avoid while brushing their teeth. Moreover, proper brushing techniques were demonstrated on tooth models. A series of videos on proper brushing and flossing techniques were shown to the participants. The participants were also given a free oral health kit.
Prof. Irshad Waheed thanked the whole team of AMDC, including Dr Nabeel Baig, Dr Mehak Ayesha, Dr Bisma Anwar, Dr Rabia Zaman and staff and appreciated the efforts of the organisers in creating awareness about oral health. In the end, certificates were distributed to the speakers and volunteers.