LEICESTERSHIRE: Recently, a little girl has been left crying out of severe pain at night after waiting nine months for the dentist to extract her tooth.
A nine-year-old Grace needed a general anaesthetic to remove her tooth but was put on a list in January due to the risen dental activity with challenges in NHS England.
According to the little girl, the pain was horrible. Her mother said that it all started with a minor cavity but ended in severe pain and abscess after all that waiting. She said that her daughter had to miss school. She lost her sleep and even had her face swelled up, she said.
Philip Martin, the chairman of the British Dental Association for East Midlands, said that they had delayed things with the lockdowns. Even after lockdowns have ended, theatres in hospitals, used for general anaesthetics and dentistry, have been used for more urgent services like cancer patients.
NHS England said while its dental activity had risen significantly, it faced "real challenges".