2019 FDI Election results

FDI Report

FDI holds elections each year during the General Assembly and Council meetings at each congress. FDI’s system of governance and operations is based on democracy, debate, consensus and accountability. 


  • Prof. Ihsane Ben Yahya (Morocco)


  • Dr Greg Chadwick (USA)


  • Dr Carol Gomez Summerhays (USA)
  • Dr Nahawand Thabet (Egypt)
  • Asst. Prof. Nikolai Sharkov (Bulgaria): re-elected for a second term

Dental Practice Committee   

  • Dr James Zenk (USA): re-elected for a second term, newly elected Chair
  • Dr Kinga Grzech-Lesniak (Poland)
  • Dr Jina Lee Linton (Republic of Korea)

Education Committee      

Re-elected for a second term:

  • Prof. Dr S.M. Balaji (Seychelles)
  • Dr William Cheung (Hong Kong SAR China)
  • Dr Hiroyuki Hirano (Japan)

Membership Liaison and Support Committee

  • Dr Monica Fumero (Costa Rica): newly elected Chair
  • Dr Yi Liu (China)
  • Dr Paula Perlea (Romania)
  • Dr Susan Gorrie (New Zealand): re-elected for a second term
  • Dr Krishna Prasad (India): re-elected for a second term

Science Committee   

  • Prof. Jeffrey A. Platt (USA)

Finance Committee

  • Dr Greg Chadwick (USA): newly elected Chair
  • Dr Nahawand Thabet (Egypt)

Remuneration Committee

  • Dr Gerhard Seeberger (Italy): newly elected Chair
  • Prof. Ihsane Ben Yahya (Morocco)
  • Dr Greg Chadwick (USA)
  • Prof. Young-Guk Park (Republic of Korea)

The General Assembly also awarded the first Charles Godon Medal of Honour to Prof. John Clarkson for his 30 years of service to FDI, primarily as the International Association of Dental Research (IADR) liaison to the FDI Science Committee.

Further information on the FDI governance structure and election process is available in the FDI Constitution.

FDI welcomes new members

  • 2 Regular members: The Association of Dentists in Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina); The RS Chamber of Doctors in Dentistry (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Both associations will form a National Committee with an existing FDI member, the Dental Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • 1 Supporting member: Fondazione Andi Onlus (Italy)

FDI General Assembly adopts eight policy statements

FDI policy statements, which detail FDI’s position on issues of interest within the oral health community, are put together through consultation, discussion and consensus among leading dental experts from around the world.

This year, the GA adopted eight policy statements:

  • Access to Oral Healthcare Among Vulnerable and Underserved Populations
  • Antibiotic Stewardship in Dentistry
  • Carious Lesions and First Restorative Treatment
  • Continuing Education via eLearning
  • Ethical International Recruitment of Oral Health Professionals
  • Infection Prevention and Control in Dental Practice
  • Malocclusion in Orthodontics and Oral Health
  • Repair of Restorations

The newly adopted policy statements will be available for consultation on the FDI website.