VC NUMS defends transparency of entry test for MBBS, BDS

Islamabad: In a recent press release, Vice-Chancellor National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Lieutenant General (R) Syed Muhammad Imran Majeed emphasised that NUMS had achieved a significant milestone by conducting the first nationwide Entry Test for its Medical and Dental institutions without involving any outside testing services. “This will ensure merit, transparency and high standards in the entire testing system under NUMS” he added. NUMS will announce the result of the test by October 25, 2020.

Meanwhile, NUMS recently conducted an Entry Test for MBBS/BDS Session 2020, with over 50,000 applicants this year.

However, as per sources, candidates were not given carbon copy attached with their response/answer sheet. This created confusion among students as normally they can take the carbon copy of the Response Form with them and the testing university will display the answer keys of all question papers with different codes on its website as soon as possible. The keys will also be published in all major national dailies. The lack of such carbon copy made many students doubt about the transparency of NUMS entry test.

In addition to the NUMS Entry Test, it will be mandatory for the successful candidates to pass the National Medical & Dental Colleges Admissions Test (MDCAT) as announced by Pakistan Medical Commission (PM­C).

-DN Report

The author is Editor at Dental News Pakistan and can be reached at