By RT Sana Rashid GD- PGMI (UHS) Our era is known as the era of technology and the more we are "technologised" the more we are considered advanced and superior to others. Luckily, our health sector is crowned among other sectors when it comes to low funding. For quite some time, we are trying to improve our education sector and taking it to the next level. From next level I meant to become "technologised" in the medical field too. For that our previous governments had taken some good steps by improving our education and actually introducing Graduate and Postgraduate level programmes of new therapies and technologies in education. Nowadays many hospitals and now institutes have stepped in by starting offering these new disciplines albeit for monetary gains only. Problems begin when these students graduate after 16 or 18 years of education. In our country its already way too tough to get a job as per education status but to apply for a job post that has not yet been created and moreover for a medical post about which even our health professionals are clueless is a nightmare in itself. Our education has taken a step forward but our medical field is too conservative to inculcate the changes hence no chance of any transition in the medical sector. We have qualified therapists and technologist but there is no room for them in our hospitals. If you can't provide employments why educate them in such disciplines? This is a major setback when our qualified professionals were educated in the name of advancement of medical field will start going abroad as they are in high demand there. How can we improve or make difference when we are not even allowed to work because of lack of councils or regulatory authority. We are not doctors and we don't want to be called one we are qualified and specialized in our own fields we would like to compliment by sharing our expertise for the ultimate benefit of the doctors as well as patients. We are therapists and technologists and that is what we want to be referred to. Make room improve the medical field to avoid casualties due to understaffed and unqualified so called professionals. It is time that Therapists and Technologists are given a chance as they can surely make a difference because of their professional qualification. It is a need that needs to be tended?