Free Medical camps: a true service to humanity

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2014-11-13T11:48:26+05:00 Abbas Naqvi

Karachi: Rotary Club Karachi, in collaboration with Pakistan Red Crescent Society organized a one day free medical camp at Bilal Colony on the 9th of November. The camp, in consonance with the Iqabal Day, was organized with an objective to provide free medical examinations/check-ups as also the free medicine to the patients. Near about 100 volunteers managed the health camp.

A team of specialist doctors did the dental check-ups and diagnoses while at the same time stressing on oral hygiene awareness. Also arranged were the clinics for eye, pediatrics, gynecology, asthma, ENT, general medicine and skin diseases besides ultrasound and blood sugar monitoring, all available for free.

Dr Farzana Naik, chairperson Hilal-e-Ahmer (Sindh) was the chief guest on the occasion, She said that the area for the camp was carefully selected, based on the needs the patients would generally go for and receive treatment. This is a better way to provide better health facility to a community. Dr Naik congratulated all team members for their efforts at arranging this well organized medical camp, and extended thanks to Rotary Club International for providing dedicated specialist doctors and medicines for the poor people.

Faraha Jawad, Asst. Governor Rotary Club, also spoke saying that the medical camps prove to be a potential tool in increasing community’s mobilization, health awareness and confidence in the community’s the efforts towards supporting better health delivery system. Rotary Club on its part will continue to serve in the health-care provision for the needy and indigent people in the future said Farha Jawad.

Ex District Governor Jalaluddin Shaikh gave a brief about the facilities at free medical camp, stating that the medical camp has been providing health coverage to about 3000 (three thousands) people as well as the polio drop being administered to the children. He said, Rotary Club members are devoted to serving for better health care in Sindh. The next free medical camp was to be organized at Hijrat Colony in near future.

Qamar Waseem, Provincial Secretary, Pakistan Red Crescent Society, arranged the visit of the chief guest to the medical camp.

In the end JKMZ School children on the occasion performed beautiful national songs and stage drama.

In an exclusive talk with Medical News, a leading dental surgeon Dr Manzar Alam, who was looking after the dental clinic at the camp, said that these medical camps were made possible through the generous contributions by the well-to-do persons to the community for providing better health care. He commended the efforts of the Rotary Club’s Ex-Governor Jalaluddin Shaikh and his team, who helped arrange the camp expressed hope that the Club members would become a role model for others, NGOs and associations, in serving the poor people facing the odds coming their way.

Dr Manzar said, the beneficiaries of medical camp were happy and satisfied with what the doctors arranged through their services; the consultant doctors who provide both preventive and curative treatment for common conditions in the community thereby referring to those who required specialized treatment at the relevant centers; create awareness and provide counselling about other problems like HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Oral cancer and other ailments, besides creating awareness for personal hygiene that is preventive of serious disabling diseases  such as of dental nature and of the eye, commonly prevalent in the slum area due to dust and lack of adequate water. Dr Tabassum, Dr Shagufta, Dr Sadaf Parvez and Dr Bushra along with other team members of the dental clinic performed check-ups at the camp.

Senior Rotary Club members, who were also present at the occasion encouraged the team, which organized this free medical camp was composed of Aziz Memon, ex-District Governor; Shaikh Jalal, PDG; Dr Mushaq Malkani; Altaf Hussian Tunio; Akber Rehman; Irfan Ahmed; Munir Ahmed Ghanghro; Dr Seemi Hussan; Dr Farhat; Dr Rozi; Asfandyar Jahangir and Mrs Zahida Jalal.

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