Governor Sindh Assures DDC Protestors of Registration with PMDC

KARACHI-   Dow Dental College Graduates & Students Parents’ Action Committee, on Friday staged a protest demonstration at Expo Centre Karachi during the ‘4th All Pakistan DUHS-DICE Health Innovation Exhibition 2018’. The protestors demanded that Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) should register DDC. They were carrying banners and placards inscribed with different slogans like; ‘justice for DDC graduates & students’, ‘stop calling us quacks ’,‘ Register College from DMC ’, and ‘ VC DUHS should resign’ among others.

The demonstrators appeared distressed about being the victims of their Institute’s dishonesty. In the last six years, more than 90 doctors graduated, while 200 are still in undergraduate program. DDC has been charging millions of rupees from these students in the name of academic fee without having insured the futures of the dentists they were producing. The responsibility falls on Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) with which DDC is affiliated.

Governor Sindh Imran Ismail, who was the Chief Guest of inaugural ceremony of “4th All Pakistan DUHS-DICE Health Innovation Exhibition 2018” at Expo Centre Karachi, arrived at the event and was welcomed by a band of protestors including DDC graduates, students and their parents.  The governor immediately turned to the protester and inquired about their concerns. The graduates explained the situation to him, and the governor assured them that he would take up this matter immediately.

He realized that it was a matter of concern that DDC graduates had not yet been registered with PMDC as doctors, even after spending four years on professional education and one year on house job.

“I will take on the matter with President of Pakistan who belongs to the same profession,” he said. He assured the graduates that they would be shortly registered with PMDC, and would be able to work as professionals very soon.

He further added: “Dow University of Health Sciences is one of the biggest institutions in the country and it is a surprising matter that two dental institution of DUHS are not registered with the council. It will be a big loss for the whole nation if these dental institutions ceased to operate.”