QUETTA- Launching ceremony of Young Dentists Forum (YDF) of Balochistan held at Dental Section, Sandman Prov. Hospital Quetta. The participants of the occasion discussed various issues countered by the young dentists and their quick remedy by getting the dentists united at the platform of YDF. While talking on the role of YDF,the speakers highlightedthat YDF exists for the unity and promotion of dental profession and shall provide young dentists the right to speak, express ideas and reduce the communication gap among the dentists and it is a platform for the inspired dentists to contribute in meaningful ways for betterment of the Dental profession. With the consensus of all the participants a core committee was also formed comprising of Dr. Khalil Alizai, Dr. AshfaqKhawajaKhail, Dr. SamadGichki, Dr. Waseem-ul-Zaman, Dr. Fazal Dad, Dr. Nizam-ul-Mulk , Dr. ShehMureed, Dr. Niaz Baloch, Dr. GulZaman and Dr. RafiaLehri, who shall represent YDF Balochistan in future. It was mutually agreed by all the participants that members of YDF will contest upcoming PDA central and provincial elections with their member candidates and shall cast their votes for PM&DC elections with a joint decision.