JSMU marks I-Day with array of festivities 

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2023-08-16T10:10:00+05:00 Staff Reporter
JSMU marks I-Day with array of festivities 
JSMU marks I-Day with array of festivities 
JSMU marks I-Day with array of festivities 
JSMU marks I-Day with array of festivities 

KARACHI: Marking Pakistan's 76th Independence Day, Jinnah Sindh Medical University (JSMU) hosted a series of festivities, featuring rendition of the national anthem, a ceremonial flag hoisting, and a cake-cutting ceremony, all reflecting a profound sense of patriotism.   

Speaking on the occasion, JSMU Vice Chancellor of (JSMU), Professor Dr Amjad Siraj Memon said: "We find ourselves in a period of remarkable transformation and opportunity. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, Pakistan has a distinct chance to take a leading role in the global community."  

He highlighted the nation's strengths, including a youthful and skilled workforce, a rich cultural heritage, and a steadfast commitment to democratic principles and human rights.

Undoubtedly, there is a pressing need to enhance both the education and healthcare systems, along with fostering a more inclusive and tolerant society, he said.

Prof Memon expressed his confidence in the current generation's potential to surmount these challenges and forge a brighter future for Pakistan.

He emphasised that the sacrifices made by our forefathers during the struggle for independence serve as a poignant reminder of the value of freedom and democracy. It is essential to acknowledge the debt we owe to those who fought for our liberty, he added.

Congratulating the students on Independence Day, the VC said they represent the promising future of our nation. He emphasised that the destiny of Pakistan rests in their hands, and he believes in their ability to shape it with bravery, determination, and foresight.

The celebrations were also graced by Pro Vice Chancellor Prof Saadia Akram, Registrar Dr Azam Khan, Deputy Registrar Dr Surryya Sarwat, as well as various institutional heads, such as Prof Huma Ali (IPS), Prof Amna Rehana Siddiqui (AIPH), Dr Muhammad Khan (IPTR), Dr Kiran (IFM), Dr Imran (IMT), and administrative heads, like Dr Rahat Naz (Director HR) and Aurangzaib (Director IT).

The event was also attended by the JSMU Alumni group, demonstrating their affection for Pakistan and their alma mater.

Meanwhile, a separate event was held on August 12, organised by the JSMU Student Council. Under the guidance of Chairperson Prof Kefi Iqbal, the festivities commenced at the university's main entrance at 10am. 

Guests, including VC Memon, Pro VC Prof Saadia Akram, and Registrar Dr Azam Khan, inaugurated the event with the raising of the national flag, followed by the national anthem and a symbolic cake cutting.

A dynamic assembly, consisting of faculty, staff, and students, united to commemorate this significant occasion.

In the university's ground-floor lecture hall, another segment unfolded, featuring student renditions of national songs, spirited debates, and inspiring speeches.

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