Playing cricket was not just a dream; but a vision- Dr Urooj Mumtaz

Dr Urooj Mumtaz is an all-rounder, leading from the front in each field of life and cricket.

by Dr Alizey Shahid

After graduation from Fatimah Jinnah Dental College, she followed up with MMedSci (Master of Medical Science) in Restorative Dentistry from the University of Sheffield, UK. This dynamic trailblazer runs as the Former Captain and current Chief Selector of the Pakistan Women’s Cricket Team. Alongside being a lecturer and practitioner at Khan’s Dental Clinic.

The talented millennial woman sets an example of ‘dentistry and beyond’ for all young ladies to never give up on their dreams despite your duties, obligation and profession

For Dr Urooj managing both passions of dentistry and cricket on the parallel stake was quite tricky, especially with family on the side. However, she felt grateful for the support she received from her family, friends and professors, who boosted her confidence and were always behind her back. 

Dr Urooj Mumtaz (Source: Screengrab)

Reminiscing her journey, she felt overwhelmed by her achievements both in the field of dentistry and cricket. She expressed, “ For me playing cricket and leading a team was not just a dream but a vision to bring about a cultural change. By default, everyone always believes cricket is a field made only for men and to date, I find these girls struggle to pursue their passion due to domestic obstacles.” 

Thus, Dr Urooj believes, “To be good and rounded human beings; we should bridge the gap and support each other.”

Cricket is a way of life: Dr Urooj

its essences enrich one’s personality and instil key attributes to lead a successful career. Such as being a good team player, a leader, failure acceptance, resilience, patience and pushing hard to achieve your goals. 

Dr Urooj Mumtaz during UK’s Prince William, Kate Pakistan tour (Source:

However, each parent desires a holistic pathway for their child. Every parent wants them to achieve high grades and medals. Not many realise the importance of tiny phases of life, which contribute to personality development and character building. She said, “ I believe each university should build professional grounds and encourage proper practices to nurture hidden talents. As the country needs young blood to be representative and outshine across the world. ”

Dr Urooj advice for young sporting dentist

Dr Khan shared, “ The reason for my success is I can always equate both the fields. Similar to cricket, modern dentistry has a short shelf life, and the players are under a constant learning curve.

If the player can adapt to the changing environment, new technology and relate with people’s behaviour then surely at the end of the day you can put smiles on people faces.”

The biggest challenge of life is yourself. But once you believe in your self, you need the right pathway of guidance

Dr Urooj Mumtaz

Thus, “Achieving good grades and polishing your clinical skills is essential at the start of your career. However, it is necessary to utilise at least an hour of your day for any sporting activity for a healthy lifestyle. This way, you will not only excel in your studies but will be well-groomed, composed, professional and a confident person.”

-The author is contributing writer at Dental News Pakistan and can be reached at

The author is Editor at Dental News Pakistan and can be reached at