WOHD Message “Dr Zafar Iqbal”

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2018-03-15T11:13:17+05:00 Haseeb Uddin


Dr.Zafar Iqbal – HOD, Community and Preventive Dentistry

"SAY AAH!’ Movement"

Health and education costs are rising exponentially and our community is in dire need of correction of our Oral Health status in Pakistan.

Initiatives such as, making Oral Health Education mandatory at primary school level, conducting dental camps frequently and spreading awareness. Plan of prevention of various dental problems like dental caries and periodontal diseases is absent from our society due to lack of awareness regarding oral hygiene & its maintenance. We need to start paying attention towards the aspect of "Prevention."

Consumption of Pan, Betel Nut and Quid are at rise in Pakistan, and unfortunately it has been like this for the past decade. This has resulted in spoiling our young generation’s oral health status, affecting them in entirety. For most, Oral health seems unimportant and rate of negligence has increased rapidly.

On this day dedicated to Oral Health, I would like to shed light on the graveness of the situation at hand; where people are suffering, all due to lack of awareness and the sky high prices of our health care system.

In the end, I would like to thank all the people working on such projects of spreading awareness regarding oral health, and helping us achieve our goal of eliminating negligence from our community. I, alongside other enthusiasts wish to help people living in Interior Sindh, deprived of basic health care services and facilities.

"My motto is to ‘Strongly Believe In Prevention."

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