LAHORE: Institute of Advanced Dental Sciences and Research (IADSR) recently conducted a one-day workshop on ‘Tempromandibular Joint Disorders (TMDs) and Splints’.
Dr Waleed Toosy, Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics, Avicenna Dental College, expedited the workshop. He began the session with a booster lecture on the anatomy and physiology of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) with a particular focus on its muscular and ligament attachments. He discussed several mechanisms like mouth opening, freeway space, overjet and overbite in association with TMJ.
Furthermore, he elaborated a detailed method of history taking and assessment of TMD patients. Participants then perform history taking along with physical examinations on each other. In addition, he elucidated the classification of TMDs along with radiographical and clinical methods used for their diagnosis and treatment planning.
To make the session more interactive, Dr Toosy, after giving a comprehensive lecture on the utility of splint therapy with TMDs, demonstrated and equipped participants to fabricate anterior and posterior splints on articulated casts with modelling wax. After the hands-on, he explained several areas related to splints loosening and tests for stabilization and types.
In the second half of the class, Dr Toosy elaborated various methods of pain management caused by TMDs, comprising a range of approaches from patient education to the use of the occlusal appliance and from exercises to medications.
He concluded the session with a short quiz comprising cases for which participants made diagnoses and treatment plans. The session ended with the adequate achievement of learning objectives.