Faculty development initiative at AIDC

Abbotabad- The Department of Dental Education, Abbotabad International Dental College, in collaboration with Pathodont Academy of continued Professional development, arranged a hands-on faculty development workshop titled “How to be objective SMART: Designing course files”.  

The workshop was attended by Vice Principal Associate Professor Dr Samia Shad, Associate Professor Dr Adil Shahnazwaz, Assistant Professor Amber, Assistant Professor Dr Arshman, Assistand Professor Dr Mumtaz, Assistant Professor Dr Amna, Assistant Professor Dr Hussam and Dr Hina. The workshop facilitator was Professor Dr Joharia Azhar, Head of the Oral Pathology department and Chair Department of Dental Education AIMC. She gave the introduction to SMART objectives format, which was followed by hands-on and interactive session of course files designing and aligning the curriculum according to the ILOs.

A vote of thanks was delivered in the end by Vice Principal Dr Samia Shad, after which certificates were distributed. Pathodont Academy of Continued Professional Development was appreciated for its continued professional development programs.