The best way to stand out is to pursue your passion along with your career; Dr Qunoot Lakhani

The best way to stand out is to pursue your passion along with your career; Dr Qunoot Lakhani

Dr Qunoot Lakhani is an emerging dental professional who stepped out of her comfort zone with a passion for doing something for herself and proving she is no less than others. 

A dynamic dental graduate

 Dr Qunoot is a young, dynamic dental graduate from Fatima Jinnah Dental College and Hospital. She started an Instagram page in 2018 to pursue her passion as food, travel and lifestyle blogger. She has reached 65000 Instagram followers and collaborated with multiple companies like Alkaram, Maybelline, Loreal Paris for brand development and digital marketing.

 Dr Qunoot believes, “Dentistry is not only a patient-oriented field but also offers doctors ease in working hours, limited night duties and rare emergencies. This field helps to maintain a balance between work- life and provides a chance to pursue one’s passion.”

Cultural stigma and digital marketing

Video blogging and social media sharing is a tedious task for many businesses. Apart from selecting the right Content to share, there are many other social stigmas, which act as a barrier to career growth in society. Initially, when Dr Qunoot began her career as a blogger, she faced multiple restrictions and criticism from her family and friends. However, she overcame all society hurdles and established her own identity in the digital platform side by dentistry.

She expressed, “Content creating is much more difficult than dentistry, as it takes hours, days and even weeks to plan, direct, edit and post accordingly. Hence, content creating is time and energy-consuming with a lot of creativity invested in showcasing the content among the viewers.” Nevertheless, she believes the digital platform is the new future where maximum knowledge and information can be shared among professionals worldwide.

Many young graduates face trouble sustaining their practices and projecting their work in society in recent times. Hence, the right strategy should be implied, as social media is the best digital platform for many booming entrepreneurs to brand their business and reach a targeted audience.

Career guidance for a new generation 

Dr Qunoot reflects each day with a new spirit with an increasing number of admirers who believes in her and follows her for proper guidance. This encouraged her to explore the digital platform in-depth and be prepared for the next challenge in the digital industry.

She exclaimed, “Your life is not only about your career. You need to find yourself, explore and understand what you are destined to do. The saturated healthcare field has pushed many professionals to work beyond their boundaries. Hence, to stand out, the best option is to pursue your passion along the way to your career.”

 She advises, “If you are pursuing dentistry because of greater remuneration, then you might end up failing as many competitors are in line for similar interest. Hence, the best way to survive through this competition is to focus and build your career based on passion.”

 “So always remember, where there is a will, there is a way!”


The author is contributing writer at Dental News Pakistan and can be reached at