Orientation day DUHS

DN Report Karachi: Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) warmly welcomed the new batch of dental students in an Orientation Ceremony which was held at Dow Medical College and Ojha Campus. The Session was attended by the senior faculty members, students as well as their parent and guardians. Vice Chancellor DUHS, Prof Masood Hameed Khan in his welcoming address informed students that they have been bestowed a responsibility to serve human beings and facilitate them with a good health. Heeven mentioned that the University has established a large number of high standards educational and research institutes to facilitate students. Director Quality Enhancement Cell, DUHS Prof Dr Rana Masood congratulated students on getting admission in DIDC and guided students through her vast experience about studies and extracurricular activities. She also invited all students to participate in upcoming Dow Olympics. The ceremony concluded with brief introduction of faculty, curriculum and rules ®ulations by Dr Ashar Afaq; Vice Principal DIDC and oath taking session conducted by  Dr. Farzeen; Assistant Professor Oral Biology. In the end vote of thanks was delivered by Dr Jaffar Abbas Zaidi; Assistant Professor Oral Biology.