Dubai: Root canal shaping and disinfection are the significant factors to impact access cavity designs. The skill to gain ideal cavity design depends on Dental Operating Microscope (DOM), Ultra Sonic (US), experience and operator skills.
Referring to critical endodontic techniques, Dr Mostafa Anwar, BDS, DHHM, MDSc, PhD, Assistant Lecturer of Endodontics, The British University, expressed his views on “Predictable Tactics for Safe Management of Complex Root Canal Anatomies.”
He was speaking in a live zoom session broadcasted from Dubai, moderated by Moataz El-Sheikh.
He discussed that the primary endodontic treatments are performed to prevent or treat periodontitis. He said, “Before we start our primary endodontic treatment, we have to know how to predict the outcome. We have something that we called outcome predictors, which was introduced in the Toronto study, the famous Toronto study in 2006, whether there’s pre-existing apical periodontitis, intraoperative complications, even if it’s associated or not associated with apical periodontitis.”
While sharing many tips, Dr Mostafa highlighted that apical size preparation should be done within the recommended size. He said that “Excessive apical size preparation can never guarantee thorough cleanliness but will have a negative effect instead. Most of the cases it can decrease the fracture strength of the root.”
“Hence it is advised to remove tooth structure as little as practical,” Dr Mostafa urged.
Dr Anwar stressed that many dental professionals have their preference when they are choosing Master Apical File (MAF) size. It’s an important step which is taken to the minor constriction (MC) of the apical foramen. Its diameter becomes the final prepared diameter of the canal at the MC. Dr Mostafa said, “In my experience, 26/04 as MAF is the perfect size in most of the canals; even severely curved ones. But the size of MAF can vary in large canals.”
-DN Report