Turkmen counterpart reminds President Alvi about his 'profession'

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2020-09-19T13:37:00+05:00 Dr Muattar Hanif

ISLAMABAD: President Dr. Arif Alvi and Presiden Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov of Turkmenistan exchanged views on Pakistan-Turkmenistan bilateral relations, implementation of Turkmenistan Afghanistan Pakistan Iran (TAPI) Gas Pipeline Project, and TAP Power Transmission lines.

They exchanged the views during a phone call by the President of Turkmenistan to President Alvi. According to a press release issued by the President’s Media Office, the two leaders expressed satisfaction over the existing relationship and emphasized the need to further strengthen and diversify trade, economic, and energy cooperation between the two brotherly countries. He also thanked his Turkmen counterpart for making telephone calls, saying such interactions at high levels, would bring the two brotherly countries further closer.

President Alvi later tweeted of their meeting stating, “It was a pleasure to talk to President of Turkmenistan, and continue our cordial discussions that were held in Baku. He reminded me that we both are dentists by profession and that the last four alphabets in our title refer to our profession. The talks were very substantive.”

-DN Report

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