Over 70 graduates awarded degrees at FJDC Convocation

KARACHI:  Over 70 young dentistry graduates took the Hippocratic oath at the 18th Covocation of Fatima Jinnah Dental College (FJDC) at PAF Museum here last Friday.

The oath to the fresh dental surgeons was administered by Karachi University’s medicine faculty dean Prof (Dr) S.M. Abbas Hussain.

Donning black gowns, square-top academic hats and white triangular scarves lined with maroon, the overjoyed young dental surgeons took the

oath, pledging that they will not let any consideration of religion, nationality, race, cast or politics get in the way of dealing with their patients.

A meritorious student of the FJDC, Sara Ikram Khan, bagged 13 distinctions and nine gold medals. All eyes were set on her as her name was repeatedly called every time a first position was announced. She received all of her awards graciously from the chief guest, nuclear physicist Pervez Hoodbhoy, and the college principal, Dr Tasleem Hosein.

“It feels like my first day at college,” she said while delivering her speech. “It’s the same excitement and the same ambitions. I owe all my success to my parents and family who motivated me to stand defiant against all difficulties.”

Her eyes welled up and her voice became shaky as she went on to describe how her parents moved from Quetta to Karachi to provide a better living and education to her. Bidding farewell to her batch mates, she described the college as her second home. “Have faith,” she advised her classmates. “Each of us gets what we deserve. The only thing that makes a difference is the effort that we put in.”

In her address, Karachi University’s acting vice chancellor Dr Ghazala Rizwani told the gradutes that, “You will find a great change in life from now onwards. Remember, there are no shortcuts to success. You need to face the forthcoming challenges with boldness and courage.”

As many as 181 distinctions certificates were given to 72 graduates in different subjects. Twenty students received gold medals while 13 trophies were awarded to the top three students in various disciplines. So far, the college which is affiliated with the KU has produced 1,192 dentists since its establishment in 1992.