Dental nurse struck off after failure to declare CPD

Dental nurse struck off after failure to declare CPD

UNITED KINGDOM: A British dental nurse has been recently struck off the GDC register as a result of not completing the CPD declaration section of her registration.

Although she was able to meet all the CPD requirements and also paid her Annual Retention Fee (ARF) in July 2022, she was unable to declare these points during her registration.

As a result of this, the nurse's employment had been discontinued and she is to now, wait atleast six to eight months, in order to be but back on the register. 

The dental nurse received an email in November 2022, stating that she had been removed from the GDC register. ‘This was the first time that she was aware that there was an issue,’ said Joe Hendron, a dentist and former colleague of the nurse.

‘She had moved residence several times and no mail had been forwarded to her.

Joe added that this was the first time she was facing issues with registration or CPD. ‘This lady has been registered as a dental nurse since 2013 and has maintained her CPD responsibilities for every cycle and her record has been without blemish,’ he said.

Upon receiving the email, the dental nurse contacted the GDC to resolve the issue. However, she was told that she had to complete the re-registration forms, provide evidence of her CPD record, pay the re-registration fees and prove she had adequate use of the English language.

GDC also informed her that after completing this process, it would take another six to eight months to restore her back on the GDC register due to a backlog of similar cases.