KARACHI: The 20th installment of Health Asia kicked off at the Karachi Expo Centre, featuring a series of insightful seminars dedicated to addressing pressing health issues. The event aimed to pave the way for the introduction of modern healthcare practices, leveraging state-of-the-art infrastructure and innovative technologies throughout Pakistan.
The Digital Health seminar shed light on the commendable efforts of the private sector in extending medical services to rural and remote areas across the country, employing various devices and the invaluable support of paramedic staff. In light of recent natural disasters, such as the devastating floods in all provinces, the significance of a robust digital health system has grown exponentially. Consequently, the need to expedite the expansion of digital health services was a focal point of the discussion.
The Sustainable Health Practices seminar underscored the importance of embracing emerging healthcare practices from developed countries and making them accessible to the masses on an affordable basis. Encouragingly, it also motivated young students to consider careers in the healthcare sector, a step toward addressing the shortage of medical professionals in the nation.
Furthermore, the Dental Implant seminar aimed to raise public awareness about the importance of taking dental issues seriously and avoiding casual neglect.
All these seminars collectively emphasized the necessity for medical professionals, the government, and stakeholders to collaborate in order to combat the escalating health challenges in the country, which pose a serious threat to citizens' lives.
Farhan Anis, Vice President of Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan, highlighted the critical importance of the healthcare sector, stressing that it directly impacts people's lives. He urged that all efforts should prioritize addressing health and medical industry issues.
Mr. Anis added that Health Asia serves as a platform for all stakeholders in the healthcare sector to come together, engage in constructive discussions, and leverage high-tech equipment and tools to tackle public health challenges effectively.
Notable speakers at the event included Prof Ikram Deen Ujjan, Vice-Chancellor of LUMHS, Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, CEO of Indus Hospital, and Dr. Nadeem Qamar, Executive Director of NICVD.
The three-day trade fair boasts participation from nearly 50 exhibitors representing 150 different companies, with foreign delegates from six countries adding a global perspective to the event.