You will find treats, sweets and desserts everywhere at this time of year; however, they are enough to destroy your teeth if you won't be careful.
Ways to protect your teeth
We all know how tempting treats and sweets are and how bad they can be for your teeth if you are not careful. Today, we will let you know how to protect your teeth while eating them so that you can eat what you want without worrying. These how-tos should be a part of your new year's resolution to maintain your oral hygiene.
Xylitol Gum
When buying chewing gum, look for 'xylitol' in the ingredients. Xylitol is a sugar substitute that helps protect your teeth through its anti-cariogenic properties like fighting off bacteria and increasing salivary flow.
Avoid chewy sweets
Chewy sweets are harder to eat and tend to stay longer in your oral cavity. The longer a sugary substance remains in your mouth, the more chances it has of causing caries and cavities.
Time your treats
Your mouth's environment becomes more acidic whenever you eat, leading to the demineralization of tooth enamel. The best solution is to schedule desserts at the end of a regular meal rather than snacking in between meals.
Avoid eating sugar before bedtime
During sleep, you have a drier mouth than usual. Thus, the saliva cannot maintain your oral pH levels, allowing bacteria to grow. Keeping this in mind, you should eat sugar well before bedtime, a minimum of 30 minutes.
Maintaining a healthy diet
It is essential to have a balanced diet full of nutritious food to maintain your oral health. You should include dairy products, leafy green vegetables together with fibrous fruits in your diet as they help strengthen your teeth. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water.
Oral hygiene practices
After eating, you should rinse your mouth and brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste. Along with this, you should floss your teeth no less than once a day to remove interdental food debris. Moreover, regularly visit your dentist for checkups to find and fix any problems.