Corrupt personnel entrusted for CHK security

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2015-02-25T14:48:07+05:00 Abbas Naqvi

By AK Lodhi
KARACHI - It has been observed that the Civil Hospital Karachi (CHK) has deployed a number of security Guards, who are involved in illegal and corrupt practices. They have been seen accepting bribes for unauthorized parking of of motorcycles. The poor patient’s are also seen greasing their palms to get medical reports out of the hospital records.
According to some reports; the private security guards posted in the hospital since last three months have been involved in various kinds of illegal practices including allotments of beds.

Well-placed sources at the hospital state that; complaints against security guards posted at the CHK are on the rise and security in-charge of hospital has failed to stop the illegal practices of security guards.

They informed that private security guards company took charge of the hospital's security about three months ago, due to failure of previous company guards in handling the security situation.

They said illegal parking and encroachments are major issues of the CHK. They informed that some culprits have even erected stalls in front of the Emergency Ward  and  Outpatient Departments (OPDs) with the unauthorized consent of the security guards. This is causing great nuisance for patients and hurdles in shifting of emergency patients.

Central President Sindh Paramedical Staff Welfare Association (SPSWA), Akhlaq Ahmed Khan said- private security guards are found involved in illegal practices at the hospital, as their company could not release their salaries since three months. 

He said private guards mint money from poor patients and attendants through different tactics. He said taking bribes has become a routine in the hospital.

He demanded of the Health Minister Sindh, Secretary Health and high-ups of hospital to take notice of this situation. Additional Medical Superintendent and Security In-charge CHK -Dr Rustam Zaman were not available for comment.

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