Drug addiction claiming 700 lives a day, warns expert

Drug addiction claiming 700 lives a day, warns expert

KARACHI: Posing a serious threat to youth of the country, drug addiction is claiming lives of around 700 people daily in Pakistan.

The alarming figure was shared by Dr Imtiaz Ahmad Dogar, a prominent psychologist and mental health expert speaking at a narcotics awareness seminar organised by the Department of Rural Sociology at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF).

 Stressing the urgent need for intervention, Dr Dogar expressed concern that the escalating trend of drug addiction among the youth poses a serious threat to society, pushing it towards darkness.

He warned of serious repercussions of drug addiction and video game dependency on the mental health of the younger generation, leading to depression and other diseases.

He noted that, in addition to traditional drugs, the prevalence of ice and internet video game addiction is contributing to the spread of anxiety and other mental health issues.

Prof Dr Khalid Mushtaq, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, emphasised the crucial role parents play in shaping the future of their children. He urged parents to be vigilant and actively involved in their children's lives to contribute to national development.

Dr Izhar Ahmad Khan, Chairman of Rural Sociology at UAF, said the UAF was committed to character building of students, focusing on fostering a culture of positive activities to combat societal ills such as drug addiction.

Additional Deputy Commissioner Shahab Aslam said that directing youth’s energies toward positive endeavors could accelerate the country's progress.

Mr Salman, Assistant Director of the Anti-Narcotics Force, assured the attendees that his organisation is taking all necessary measures to combat the menace of drugs and prevent their proliferation.