Karachi: In a rather unusual incident, an elderly man accompanied by a young companion robbed cash and other valuables from a dental clinic in District Central of Karachi.
CCTV camera footage of the incident circulating on social media shows an old man with a white beard and his young companion arrive at the dentist in the Azizabad neighbourhood.
After getting the receipt of his appointment with the doctor, the old man can be seen consulting with the doctor. The clip also shows that during the consultation, the old man signals his companion, who then pulls out a pistol. The footage shows the young accomplice holding
The doctor hostage at gunpoint, while another doctor, staff members and patients can also be seen taken hostage.
Later, according to the video, both the robbers easily manage to flee with the looted cash and other valuables. After the clip went viral on social media, police visited the dentist and started an investigation into the incident.
-DN Report