How to keep your gums healthy, prevent gum disease in simple steps

How to keep your gums healthy, prevent gum disease in simple steps

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, begins when plaque—a sticky film of bacteria—accumulates along and beneath the gum line. This buildup can lead to infections that damage the gums and bone, resulting in gum disease and tooth decay. The initial stage, gingivitis, causes gums to become inflamed, tender, red, swollen, and prone to bleeding. Fortunately, since the bone and tissue holding the teeth in place aren't impacted, this damage is reversible.
If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, an advanced form of gum disease that affects the bones supporting your teeth. This stage can lead to the destruction of gums, bones, and tissues connected to your teeth. The final stage, advanced periodontitis, results in the destruction of the fibers and bone supporting your teeth, potentially affecting your bite and necessitating tooth removal.
Signs of gum disease include consistently bad taste or breath, separating or loose permanent teeth, gums that easily bleed, gums that are swollen, red, or tender, and gums that have pulled away from your teeth.
Preventing gum disease involves maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing your teeth after meals, flossing at least once a day, using fluoride toothpaste, and considering a battery-powered or electric toothbrush. Regular dental cleanings are also essential, as they can detect early gum disease symptoms and remove tartar that brushing and flossing may miss. Additionally, quitting smoking and using a therapeutic mouthwash can help reduce plaque and prevent gingivitis.
By adopting these habits, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing gum disease and maintain healthy gums.