AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022

AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022
AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022
AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022
AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022
AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022
AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022
AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022
AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022
AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022
AIDC celebrates World Oral Health Day 2022

ABBOTTABAD: As part of World Oral Health Day 2022 celebrations, Abbottabad International Dental College (AIDC) organised an intercollege Poster, Model & Media Competition. 

This activity aimed to create awareness among the medical fraternity and the community regarding oral health and hygiene. 

Prof. Dr Samia Shad, Principal AIDC, welcomed all the distinguished guests, faculty members, students and contestants of the competition in her address. She thanked the chief guest, Prof. Iram Mushtaq, Dean of Dentistry, Ayub Dental College, for her presence. She thanked the administration of AIMI for providing all-out support in organising the function.

Dr Qurat-ul-Ain, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Dentistry Department, AIDC and chief organiser of the event, gave a presentation titled “Oral Health-Current Situation”. She deliberated upon the global and national situation issues related to oral health. She highlighted various initiatives that AIDC has taken in free medical, dental camps & community outreach programs.  

The messages on the theme “Be Proud of Your Mouth” were displayed on banners and flyers. Food stalls were set up by the students of the first year BDS, AIDC, explicitly highlighting the issues related to oral health and hygiene. Free dental OPD was also conducted at the AIDC as part of the day’s celebrations.

Posters and Models made by students of various Dental colleges were exuberantly exhibited. The 60-seconds videos made by various colleges were screened, which were highly applauded by the audience. Talented students of AIDC performed a skit that addressed the menace of quackery practice in Pakistan.  

The jury comprising Dr Noaman Siddiqui, Dr Akif Mahmud, Dr Rabia Syed, Dr Hina Ashraf, Dr Zainab Jadoon judged the posters, model and media competition.

The first three positions in various categories were as follows:

1st position in poster competition - Abbottabad International Dental College

2nd position in poster competition - Ayub Dental College, Abbottabad  

3rd position in poster competition - Ayub Dental College, Abbottabad   

1st position in model competition - Women Dental College, Abbottabad  

2nd position in model competition - Ayub Dental College, Abbottabad

3rd position in model competition - Abbottabad International Dental College

1st position in media competition - Ayub Dental College, Abbottabad

2nd position in media competition - Abbottabad International Dental College

3rd position in media competition - Abbottabad International Dental College


Prof. Dr Iram Mushtaq appreciated the efforts of AIDC in celebrating World Oral Health Day in a most befitting manner.  

Dr Ghazanfar Ali, Chief Executive, Abbottabad International Medical Institute, thanked the chief guest and appreciated the efforts of AIDC and DME in organising academic, social and welfare activities in the institution. He congratulated all the prize winners of the competition.