PMDC warning to institutes granting BEMS degree

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2023-03-30T22:01:00+05:00 M. Irfan Ali

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) has warned that any educational institute 

found misleading the public by claiming the award of 'Bachelor in Eastern Medicine (BEMS)' 

degree, declaring it as "equivalent" to MBBS or BDS, shall be proceeded against under the law. 

In a public notice/warning, the PNDC says that as per directions of the Islamabad High Court (IHC),
strict legal action shall be initiated against such educational institutes which are promising BEMS 

degree, claiming it to be equivalent to the MBBS or the BDS.
It further says that action shall also be taken under Section 39 of the Pakistan Medical and Dental 

Council Act, 2022, which provides for penalties against fraudulent representation or registration.
“Whoever falsely pretends to be registered under this Act as a medical practitioner or dentist and 

uses with his name or title any words or letters representing that he is so registered with the Council
or uses the word “doctor” without legal basis, irrespective of whether any person is actually deceived 

by such pretence or representation or not, shall, on conviction before a Magistrate of the first class, 

be punishable with fine which may extend to one hundred thousand rupees or with imprisonment 

for a term which may extend to six months or with both. Any person found aiding and abetting
him shall also be prosecuted and punished,” the council quotes relevant provision of the Act.

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