Smoking Your Way to Oral Cancer? Here’s How You Can Quit Today! 

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2022-05-31T18:13:00+05:00 Dr Rida Qamar

It has been reported that smoking causes more than 8 million deaths worldwide. According to the reports, the number is estimated to rise to millions by 2030. While the habit and societal implications of smoking are debatable, it must be avoided to prevent the adverse effects which aren't just restricted to oral health.

While smoking can cause various systemic problems, the oral condition can deteriorate as far as the development of oral cancer.

How Smoking Causes Oral Diseases?

Smoking and smokeless tobacco contain elements that lead to increased plaque and calculus deposits. These accumulations lead to poor gingival health resulting in detachment of the gingiva from the bone. The receding gums can lead to root exposure, causing sensitivity to the teeth.

Further, smoking can also lead to a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, which results in poor tissue healing. The worsening conditions sometimes tend to result in tooth loss in adults.

Smoking is also responsible for a lot of other oral conditions, including dental caries, bad breath, discolouration, ulcerative lesions and bleeding gums in the oral cavity, as well as oral cancer.

Tobacco and Oral Cancer 

Tobacco is one of the significant risk factors that account for the majority of cases of oral cancer. Meanwhile, smokeless tobacco isn't the only problem. Cigarette smoking has an equally high rate of causing oral cancer, and the statistics are increasing every day.

According to research, oral cancer ranks eighth among the most common causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide, and tobacco is one of the most critical carcinogenic factors of oral cancer.

Tobacco contains more than 70 toxic chemicals reported in the development of oral cancer. The disease is characterised by abnormal tissue development that can spread in any area of the oral cavity. The transitional stages of oral cancer go through a white or a red lesion followed by bleeding, swallowing and difficulty in opening the mouth.

In case when a patient reports such symptoms, immediate measures must be taken to diagnose the condition right away.

In severe conditions, cancer can spread to other parts of the body, creating morbidity and mortality for the patient.

How to Quit Smoking?

The motivation for smoking cessation might be many, but the healthcare provider has the highest impact on the smokers to motivate them to stop smoking. Meanwhile, many resources are available in the market to help with the withdrawal of cigarettes. Medication, nicotine patches and gum are some of the prevalent means. While some of these products can be purchased over the counter, others require a prescription from a healthcare professional.

Smoking cessation classes and support groups also work as a supportive measure with drug therapy. Different institutions or community centres offer these programmes.

Advance means of smoking cessation include hypnosis, acupuncture and herbal medication, all of which have proven benefits in helping the patients.

Apart from ensuring a lesser risk of life-threatening diseases quitting smoking or tobacco use is necessary for several other reasons, including reducing the onset of second-hand smoking and third-hand smoking, which are putting others' lives also at risk.

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